Revision policy

We offer free revisions in case a client is not fully satisfied with what we deliver. Our aim is providing services of high quality to our clients to improve their grades. For this, your request must meet the following criteria:

Consistent instructions: Your revision instructions should match with your initial directives for your paper to be revised for free.

Proper revision request: Revision requests are not sent via phone or email. If you want to send a revision request, click the special order request button on your personal order page for help.

One week deadline: If you have not approved the order, you can ask for revision within 14 days. once you approve the order, you only have 7 days to have it corrected.

Sometimes a client may need their assignment to be revised from scratch or changed from large parts, in this case they will have to pay an extra fee. For more information on this, feel free to contact our support department.

The seven days deadline are usually not enough for big orders such as dissertation and thesis. The orders are subject to progressive delivery feature and are sent to you in parts after the writer is through. For these orders, a revision request can be submitted within 21 days after the initial approval.

In some cases, we might extend the revision deadline according to our authors’ requests. You can request for a different writer to revise your paper. In this case, we may require extra time to look for an expert and you might need to extend the deadline for up to 12 hours.

Our company does all it can to ensure we provide services of high quality for our customers satisfaction. This is one of the reason we retain and attract more customers. below is a revision policy that directs our customers while going through their papers.

Unlimited revision: We make every effort to ensure our customers are satisfied with what we offer. Our revision policy is always improving our services in contemplation of providing the best services to our clients although there are some occurrences where clients may require to make an alteration on their materials. We can use the Unlimited Revision that we provide to address such an issue .We do it free of charge on condition that it is utilized within the time allowed and of course, with some conditions. The limitations are just very easy to meet though. Again, quality for us is the same as bringing customer satisfaction.

Within the initial agreement: A client may not benefit from this service if the early agreement does not contrast with what a client wants for revision. This cannot be treated for revision considering that we have fulfilled the initial agreement. We make every effort to ensure that we meet specifications and instructions that are given to us by our clients. Reading the conditions of an order before accepting it is very significant. It is also important for a client to go through the order before approving it since we provide them enough time.

Our writers are the best when it comes to understanding and handling clients needs. We are proud of offering high quality academic help to our customers. In case a client is not satisfied with the paper our writers are always ready for revision until the paper meets its standards. Your paper is revised free of charge on condition that it meets the terms below

Instructions: The directives sent by the client, should match with the initial directives.

Submission: You can send us a revision request by clicking “send revision ” button which is in your personal account page before approving your message. The form should be checked in detail using the preview function before a decision of approving the order is made. I there are technical problems and you are unable to view the text document clearly in the preview mode, you can contact our support department and ask them for a solution.

In case your order is approved, and it needs some revision, feel free to contact our support department professionals providing them with all your revision instructions. The directives should be offered at the right period of time for your order to be sent for revision.

Deadline: You can request for revision any time before approving your order. in case your order have not been approved you have one week to request for a revision. If your order have more than 20 pages, you can ask for a revision within 2 weeks from the day of approval. If the first part of your order is received on time, the whole order is considered to be delivered on time.

Number of revisions: If a revision meets the preconditions stated above we may do revisions three times free of charge. in case you have used all your free revisions, You must place a new editing and proofreading order that specifies all the instructions and modifications you want to be made.

The revised documents should be approved within 2 weeks from the time the revision was finalized. The time is calculated from the time that the previous version is transferred to your personal order page.

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What you get from our essay writing service

Basic features
  • Free title page and bibliography
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Plagiarism-free guarantee
  • Money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 support
On-demand options
  • Writer’s samples
  • Part-by-part delivery
  • Overnight delivery
  • Copies of used sources
  • Expert Proofreading
Paper format
  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)

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