Dissertation Abstract

Dissertation Abstract

Dissertation Abstract:Dissertation Abstract Writing is a field that is too much demanding. Students all over the world are given writing assignments that they should accomplish within a given time span that is usually inadequate for them to show their writing ability. Students are also in need of some assisting team that can support them in writing their assignments such as dissertations, thesis, essays, research papers and so on. Sometimes the students are able to write a dissertation, thesis or other writing with some help but then the time comes to writing a dissertation abstract or a thesis abstract or any other kind of abstract. The problem that arises then is how to write a dissertation abstract or thesis abstract. For assistance in writing a dissertation abstract, you can take help from SolutionEssays.com, which is an international dissertation company famous for its dissertation abstract writing for all dissertation subjects.

SolutionEssays.com has acquired services of writers who are eligible to write exceptionally well dissertation abstracts. The writers of our company are certified people from various fields of academic disciplines due to which, they write dissertation abstracts quite well. Our writers accomplish dissertation abstracts for customers from all over the world who consult us regularly for their problems associated to dissertation abstract writing. We write dissertation abstracts for all academic levels such as PhD dissertation abstracts, Master’s dissertation abstracts and others. Our custom written dissertation abstracts are carefully checked for plagiarism and language errors.

Sometimes students take assistance from such dissertation abstract writing companies who do not care for you and provide you with a dissertation abstract that is flawed. If you buy a dissertation abstract that is flawed and submit it to your teacher, your teacher will consider you ineligible and will disqualify you for your wrongly written dissertation abstract. A dissertation abstract that is written carelessly is not written after reading the overall dissertation but by just getting some idea by seeing it with a bird’s eye. The writers of SolutionEssays.com write a dissertation abstract after reading the full dissertation and they are certified people, they write it with great devotion.

The writers of our company are knowledgeable about all academic laws and regulations and take care of all laws and regulations in writing a dissertation abstract. Our dissertation writers are aware of all linguistic styles and formats and are also aware of academic policies for writing due to which, they write dissertation abstract that is grammatically and spelling-wise written in a good language. We have more than 8,000 customers who contact us on regular basis for taking assistance in doctoral dissertation abstracts, Masters dissertation abstracts and other dissertation abstracts.

To write dissertation abstract, you have to keep in mind that you are not going to take help from such dissertation abstract writing companies who do not care for you and consider you merely a commodity for their business promotion. We care for you and will always assist you with the high-quality doctoral dissertation abstracts, Masters dissertation abstracts and others. With our provided help, many customers have resolved their academic troubles, due to which, our customers prefer us for taking assistance in writing a dissertation abstract.

You must not forget the fact that the first thing that your teacher is going to read is the dissertation abstract and if your dissertation abstract is not well written, your teacher is going to deduct your marks for the whole dissertation. You must have listened to the proverb, “your first impression is your last impression”. Therefore, if your dissertation abstract is flawlessly written, your dissertation writing is going to suffer as a whole.

The writers of SolutionEssays.com service write according to international standards of dissertation writing and they are experienced and qualified to provide students with custom dissertations. Our provided dissertation abstracts online will make you feel more confident writing a dissertation that contains a dissertation abstract that is professionally written. Our provided PhD dissertation abstracts and dissertation abstracts of all other levels are written with skill and expertise, as our writers are professionals, which we have collected for the convenience of our customers who keep faith in us and contact us for their problems of dissertation abstract writing.

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1. Purpose

The purpose of an abstract is to summarise the content of your dissertation in a systematic and formulaic manner. The dissertation abstract serves as a short-hand for the entire piece. It indicates whether or not it would be worthwhile to read. Bear this purpose in mind when drafting your own abstract.

2. Length

Typically an abstract should not exceed one page of text, but it is essential to check departmental specifications to be sure that your abstract conforms with requirements. Exceeding stated limitations in length is a serious failure which will indicate a lack of understanding as to the purpose of an abstract.

3. Avoid verbosity

The biggest challenge in writing a dissertation abstract is to retain focus and not exceed the word count. It is therefore necessary here to avoid unnecessarily florid and superfluous language. Keep it simple, clear and within specifications.

4. Thoroughness

The abstract must represent the entire dissertation, not just certain elements of it. Objectives, reviewed literature, methodology, analysis and conclusions: all should be summarised in the abstract. Remember that abstracts are used to inform the reader of what they are about to read, so don’t leave too many surprises.

5. Terminology

The inclusion of key terms – both general and specific to your subject area – will provide a means for browsing research academics to identify the character and purpose of your dissertation as a whole.

6. Authority

Set the tone for your dissertation by establishing an authoritative academic voice early on in your abstract. Demonstrate your comfort with the academic register to set up the impression that your work is professional and credible.

7. Salesmanship

A rather crass way to think about the purpose of your abstract, perhaps, but useful nonetheless. Academics will read your abstract to decide whether or not your dissertation as a whole is likely to be useful to them. Indicate the significance of your research and emphasise the rigour of your methods.

8. Balance

In the same way that the dissertation as a whole must maintain the proper share of space between different chapters, so too the abstract should reflect this balance. Look at the marking criteria to see which aspects carry how many marks, and organise your dissertation abstract appropriately.

9. Clarity of expression

As already mentioned, abstracts require a concise writing style to keep the word count low. In summarising such a large volume of material, be mindful also of the danger of obscurity and lack of clarity. Make sure the abstract is not entirely incomprehensible to an intelligent layman.

10. Consult published material

As with many aspects of writing a dissertation, useful models and templates can be found in comparable published material. Read published dissertations and familiarise yourself with how good abstracts are written.

The dissertation abstract concisely describes the content and scope of the writing and reviews the contents in abbreviated form.

The abstract should be the last part of the dissertation that you write. Its usual length is between 200 and 350 words. The abstract is designed to give a ‘snapshot’ of your work. It can be compared to the comments that you will find on the back cover of a novel – in that the summary of the work that it gives is designed to entice people to read the rest of the book. It should not be written in the future tense.

Preparing your dissertation abstract

One of the best ways to prepare for writing your own dissertation abstract is to re-read the abstracts of journal articles that you have utilised as part of your secondary research and/or literature review. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What was it about the abstract that made me decide to read the rest of the article?
  2. How did the abstract tell me that this article would be relevant to my study and research interests?

Having done this you should then, when planning your own abstract, consider the following questions:

  1. Why should someone read this dissertation?
  2. What is its relevance?
  3. What questions does it answer?
  4. How will my dissertation help others in their research?
  5. What are the key concepts or key terms that it uses?

Once you have done this you should write about 50 words addressing each of the five questions above. Polish the work, ‘top and tail’ it with an introduction and conclusion of about a sentence each, and the result should be an abstract that accordingly states the relevance, purpose, and focus of your work.

There are two types of dissertation abstracts typically used:

Descriptive dissertation abstracts

1. Descriptive dissertation abstracts

These tell readers what information the dissertation contains, and include the purpose, methods, and scope of the report, article, or paper. This will not provide results, conclusions, or recommendations, and is usually shorter than an informative abstract – usually under 100 words. Its purpose is to merely introduce the subject to the reader, who must then read the dissertation to find out your results, conclusions, or recommendations.

2. Informative dissertation abstracts

These communicate specific information from the dissertation, including the purpose, methods, and scope of the report, article, or paper. They provide the dissertation results, conclusions, and recommendations. They are short but not as short as a descriptive abstract – usually, anything from a paragraph to a page or two, depending upon the length of the overall work. In any case, informative abstracts make up 10% or less of the length of the overall piece. The informative abstract allows your reader to decide whether they want to read the dissertation.

Some universities have specific structures they wish to be followed. Talk to your tutor if you are unsure.

What makes a good dissertation abstract?

What makes a good dissertation abstract?

Abstracts are often used where a paper is entered into a journal database. The keywords that you choose for your abstract assist your paper to be identified using electronic information retrieval systems. Titles and abstracts are filed electronically, and keywords are put in electronic storage. When people search for information, they enter keywords related to the subject, and the computer prints out the titles of articles, papers, and reports containing those keywords.

A good abstract will use one or more well-developed paragraphs, which are unified, coherent, concise, and able to stand alone. It will use an introduction/body/conclusion structure, which presents the dissertation’s purpose, results, conclusions, and recommendations in that order. It will follow strictly the chronology of the dissertation and provide logical connections (or transitions) between the information included. A good abstract will add no new information, but will simply summarise the dissertation. Moreover, it will be understandable to a wide audience.

Top 5 dissertation abstract writing tips:

To write an effective dissertation abstract, follow these steps

To write an effective dissertation abstract, follow these steps:

  1. Re-read the dissertation you have written with the goal of abstracting in mind. Look specifically for these main parts of the dissertation: purpose, methods, scope, results, conclusions, and recommendations.
  2. Use the headings and table of contents as a guide to writing your abstract.
  3. If you’re writing an abstract about another person’s dissertation, the introduction and the summary are good places to begin. These areas generally cover what the dissertation emphasises.
  4. After you’ve finished rereading the dissertation, write a rough draft without looking back at what you’re abstracting. Don’t merely copy key sentences from the dissertation: you’ll put in too much or too little information. You should not rely on the way material was phrased in the dissertation – you need to summarise information in a new way.
  5. Revise your rough draft to correct weaknesses in organisation, improve transitions from point to point and drop unnecessary information. Be sure to fix errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It’s a good idea to print out your final work in order to read it again to catch any glitches that you find.

Four Key elements

These elements define your abstract dissertation structure:

  • Aims. First of all, define the main goal of your study. What problem or question you want to respond to in the dissertation? Feel free to include brief content of your topic but don’t write too many details here. When the problem is defined, state the subject of your research. Please write this part in the past simple or present tense.
  • Methods. It’s important to state the methods you used for your research. Keep it short, you need to describe methods in just a couple of sentences. Write this part in the past simple tense. Remember that your goal here is just to describe without explanation of why you chose a particular method.
  • Results. In this part, you need to make a summary of the research results. Make it in the past simple or present tense. Your dissertation may contain a lot of results, so it’s not necessary to put all of them here. Just pick the most important and significant results to highlight.
  • Conclusion. This is a final part of the abstract where you need to state that your research has argued or proved. Write the conclusion using the present simple tense. You can include some important limitations briefly here. If you were solving a certain problem, include implementation and recommendations in the conclusion. You also can mention any suggestions for further studies, if needed.

Helpful writing strategies

Remember that your dissertation abstract isn’t an introduction to begin your following academic paper. The abstract summarizes the whole dissertation text. That’s why copying any introductory paragraph isn’t good writing practice. We suggest creating an abstract only when you finish other sections. Avoid using extracts from your dissertation as a fast way to make your abstract because it should be a separate piece of writing.

How to start

Write your dissertation at the start. Although your abstract always goes in the beginning, its function is to summarize your full paper or offer a brief overview of everything you put in the study. It doesn’t introduce any topic as a thesis does. Your thesis and dissertation abstract are completely different things because your thesis introduces major ideas or arguments, while abstract reviews your entire paper with its results and methods.

  • Review all requirements given by the university professor;
  • Consider your future audience;
  • Determine its correct type.

Understand all writing requirements

This project has specific rules or guidelines, refer to their special rubric to identify important aspects to keep in mind and understand writing requirements.

  • Are there any style requirements?
  • Is there any required length?

Consider your audience

This paper is written to help others find your research or easily decide of it’s relevant to their interests. It helps all readers get at your major argument fast, keep their needs in mind when writing this paper. Will other academics read it? Consider your future audience before creating an abstract.

Determine its correct type

Although all dissertation abstracts accomplish one goal, they have two different types: informative or descriptive. We suggest using informative types for longer or more technical research and choose descriptive options for shorter papers.

Descriptive abstracts are usually 100-200 words long. Students use them to explain their research methods, goals, and purpose without explaining any results because they will be discussed in a separate section.

Informative abstracts are condensed versions of your paper to give a short overview of your research and its results. Their basic requirements for this document are similar. Remember that the main difference is that your informative type is longer and it must include research results.

Of course, writing a dissertation and an abstract isn’t an easy task. If you face any difficulties or problems, order this type of academic paper in our essay writing service. Choose a team of competitive and qualified professionals who will complete any complex assignment for you (an essay, dissertation, etc.) with ease and confidence. Contact us right now to get a successful paper to graduate without stress.

Dissertation Abstract Samples

Review these useful samples to create a strong abstract for your dissertation and graduate the university successfully:

Sample 1.

George Roy, 2016

“Killing the Innocent: Illegal Abortion Should be Banned”


“The subject of abortion is very popular to discuss in different studies. Illegal abortion is a huge part of it, and in many countries, such operations are allowed without difficulties. I argue that these medical manipulations should be banned. Of course, sometimes a woman’s health condition doesn’t allow her to carry a healthy child, and a doctor could even recommend abortion. This could also happen if they discovered the fetus has some abnormalities, so without making an abortion, a woman would have a baby with mental or/and physical injuries. There is a big chance that such babies will not be able to live for long. But some religious views are totally against abortion and they suppose only God could give and take lives. It destroys a healthy nation and brings a lot of problems. The dissertation contains studies with a comparative analysis of statistics from countries where illegal abortion is banned and allowed.”

Sample 2.

Jessica Mayton, 2018

“Black Lives Matter: Problems of People with Other Skin Color in History”

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